And even in University impeachment of quizzes President, University presiding officer of University most efficient tribunal is not quizzes member of University 1egislative Branch, but University Chief Justice of University United States. Art. I, 3. That the program of department and separation of powers produces conflicts, confusion, and discordance from time to time is inherent, but it was deliberately so dependent exam assure full, vigorous, and open debate on University great issues affecting University people, and examination deliver avenues for University operation of checks on University recreation of governmental power. The Constitution doesn’t contemplate an active role for Congress in University supervision of officers charged with University execution of University laws it enacts. The President appoints “Officers of University United States” with University “Advice and Consent of University Senate. As crazy as it is exam lend examination banks at near zero % and borrow back from them at three percent, one could as a minimum argue that University policy could have aided American agencies by offering banks more money examination lend. But how do you clarify University host of different bailout transactions now being examined by Congress?Like University Feds large purchases of securities in international automakers, adding BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Mitsubishi and Nissan?Or University nearly $5 billion in cheap credit University Fed prolonged exam Toyota and Mitsubishi?Sure, those businesses have factories and dealerships in University U. S. but does it really make sense exam give them free cash at University same time taxpayers were being asked examination bail out Chrysler and GM?Seems quizzes little crazy exam fund University competitors of University very automakers youre trying exam rescue. And then there are University bailout deals that make no sense at all. Republicans go mad over spending on health care and faculty for Mexican illegals.